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Gelli Plate 



Turiya has loved Gelli Plates ever since she found them online 3 years ago-

The combination of GOLDEN Paints and the Gelli Plates makes for hours of incredible art play with truly wonderful results!





DATE:  26th March, 2017


COST:  $170


TIME: 10am  - 4pm


VENUE: Creative Artisans Studio Wigmore Arcade , 145 River St, Ballina, 2478


BOKKINGS: 0435 941 591 or email:


The Gelli Plate is the latest technology in monotyping or Artist’s printing. It is easy and engaging for both beginners and advanced art makers.

Students will thoroughly enjoy the process and create a pile of works that can be taken home and framed with pride, used for backgrounds in other art pieces, made into collages or glued into art journals.

Turiya is a  local Golden Artist Educator, and she will talk about the various kinds of paints that may be used on the Gelli plate and demonstrate three or four techniques that will keep the artists enthralled during our busy and exciting day.

The Gelli plate is a very responsive medium for impressing all kinds of natural and manufactured items which give varying effects and lends itself to experimentation.

This is a small group workshop with a maximum of eight students, which ensures that you have personal and comprehensive tuition.



  • Some stencils and impressionables

  • Golden Paints and mediums

  • High quality cartridge paper

  • Wash cloths and paper towels, baby oil and water containers

  • Gelli plates for use in the workshop



Stencils, apron, their own selection of acrylic paints, paint brushes, a sheet of art paper (Stonehenge or Rosapina etc), paint rags and spray bottle of water.

Morning and afternoon tea and coffee will be supplied. Bring a plate to share for lunch!

Confirm your position in this exciting workshop by ensuring that an Enrolment Form is completed and that the class and materials fees are paid at the Gallery one week prior to commencement of the workshop.




DATE: April 23th, 2017


COST:  $175


TIME: 10 am- 4 pm


VENUE: Creative Artisans Studio Wigmore Arcade 145 River St, Ballina, 2478


BOOKING: 0435 941 591 or email ;


The second in a series of workshops with Gelli Plates and monoprinting with our local Golden Artist/Educator.

In this workshop, we will be exploring some specific techniques and colour combinations that will deliver a professional looking set of prints for your wall or folio.

We will be working with seamless layering of prints and themes that bring a cohesive set of prints into a series.  The student will be learning more techniques for future use in home studio creation.

We will also spend time in the afternoon session working on fabric which can be made into cushion covers, flags, bunting and other home décor or put behind glass as an artwork.

Paint and mediums, superior cartridge and some poly cotton fabric will be supplied.

This is a small group workshop with a maximum of eight students, which ensures that you have personal and comprehensive tuition.



  • Some stencils and impressionables

  • Golden Paints and mediums

  • High quality cartridge paper

  • Some poly cotton

  • Wash cloths and paper towels, baby oil and water containers

  • Gelli plates for use in the workshop



Impressionables (such as leaves or flowers) or stencils, woodcut blocks or lino cuts, apron, their own selection of acrylic paints, paint brushes, a sheet of art paper (Stonehenge or Rosapina etc), paint rags and spray bottle of water.

Morning and afternoon tea/coffee will be supplied. Bring a plate to share for lunch!

Confirm your position in this exciting workshop by ensuring that an Enrolment Form is completed and that the class and materials fees are paid at the Gallery one week prior to commencement of workshop.

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